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We Will Finance Your Car!

Linton Motorsport will provide excellent financing options for our clients.  Our custom tailored flexible financing allows us to make the purchase of your preowned automobile as affordable and suitable to your needs as possible. Through special arrangements with several banks and lending institutions nationwide we are able to present up to 72 months financing.Please provide the information below and we will begin the process in advance of your visit to our showroom.


Notice: A consumer credit report may be obtained from one or more consumer reporting agencies (credit bureaus) in connection with this application.   Additional reports may be obtained in connection with any update, renewal or extension of an obligation related to this application.  If you ask, we will tell you whether any report was obtained and, if obtained, the name and address of any agency furnishing the report(s).   By clicking the "submit" button you authorize us (financial institutions) to obtain and use the credit reports described in the Notice above.  We and anyone else may exchange information about you as permitted or required by law.  This includes sharing information about you with any affiliate or agent of ours for the purposes of providing customer service, considering your eligibility for any product or service offered by us or any affiliate, and enforcing any obligations owed by you to us or an affiliate.  We may retain this application and information about you whether or not this application is approved.   You certify that the above information is true and complete.   You understand that false statements may subject you to criminal penalties.

Linton Motorsport, Inc. Financial Privacy Disclaimer

In connection with your transaction, we may obtain information about you as described in this notice, which we handle as stated in this notice.


1. We collect nonpublic personal information about you from the following sources: Information that we receive from you on applications or other forms Information about your transaction with us, our affiliates or others; and Information we receive from consumer reporting agency

2. We may disclose all of the information we collect, as described above, to companies that perform marketing services on our behalf or to other financial institutions with whom we have joint marketing agreements. We may not make such disclosures about you as a consumer, customer, or former customer.

3. We may also disclose nonpublic personal information about you as a consumer, customer or former customer, to nonaffiliated third parties as permitted by law.

4. We restrict access to nonpublic personal information about you to those employees who need to know that information to provide products or services to you. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your nonpublic personal information.

Statement of Consent

I certify that the information provided by me is correct. I also understand that you will be checking with credit reporting agencies. I authorize an investigation of my credit and employment history and the release of information about my credit experience.Failure to provide all information requested can delay this application.We have built our business on a foundation of integrity, honesty and trust.  These values are reflected in our commitment to protect your privacy.  In order to provide the kind of service that you deserve, we will from time to time have reason to share your personal nonpublic information with those affiliated and/or nonaffiliated third parties that we do business with.  However, you may opt to prohibit this sharing of information, except as otherwise provided by or required by state or federal law or court order.  If you wish to do so, check the appropriate box or boxes below and submit this form to our office.

State-Required Disclosures

CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS:  A married applicant may apply for an individual account.

MAINE RESIDENTS:  Consumer reports (credit reports) may be obtained in connection with this application.

If you request, the creditor will inform you:  (1) whether or not consumer reports were obtained, and (2) if reports were obtained, the names and addresses of the consumer reporting agencies (credit bureaus) that furnished the reports.  You have the right to choose the agent and insurer for the insurance required by this transaction, but the insurer must be approved by the creditor.

NEW YORK RESIDENTS:  A consumer credit report may be requested in connection with this application or in connection with updates, renewals, extensions or enforcement of any credit granted as a result of this application.  Upon your request, the creditor will inform you whether or not a consumer credit report was requested, and if so, the name and address of the agency that furnished such report.

OHIO RESIDENTS:  The Ohio laws against discrimination require that all creditors make credit equally available to all credit worthy customers, and that credit reporting agencies maintain separate credit histories on each individual upon request.  The Ohio Civil Rights Commission administers compliance with this law.

RHODE ISLAND RESIDENTS:  A consumer credit report may be requested in connection with this application.

VERMONT RESIDENTS:  I authorize the creditor to obtain credit reports on an ongoing basis about me from credit reporting agencies in connection with this extension of credit transaction.  The creditor may obtain credit reports about me on an ongoing basis in connection with this extension of credit transaction for any one or more of the following reasons:

(1) reviewing the account;
(2) increasing the credit line on the account;
(3) taking collection action on the account; or,
(4) any other legitimate purposes associated with the account.

WASHINGTON RESIDENTS:  Please advise us if the creditor should investigate your credit references and/or credit history under another name.

MARRIED WISCONSIN RESIDENTS: No provision of a marital property agreement, a unilateral settlement agreement under Wis. Stat.?766.59, or a court decree under Wis. Stat. ?766.70 adversely affects the interest of the creditor unless the creditor, prior to the time the credit is granted, is furnished a copy of the agreement, statement or decree, or has actual knowledge of the adverse provision.


This Privacy Practice Notice contains important information concerning your rights

Dear Valued Customer:
Our company respects your concern for privacy. Our goal is to respond to your inquiries, to provide better customer service, and to provide products, services and other promotional information that you request and that we believe may help meet your needs or be of interest to you. However, we recognize that we have an important responsibility to protect the privacy and security of the nonpublic personal information we collect from you. Therefore, we want you to understand our information sharing practices and for you to know that they are designed to meet strict legal requirements and ensure the confidentiality of your information.

The type of information we collect depends upon the product or service that we are providing to you or that you are asking about. We collect information that you provide to us on applications and other forms; information about your transactions with us, out affiliates, or others; and information that is provided to us by third parties including credit reporting agencies, individual referenced services public record data bases and other recognized providers of nonpublic personal information.

The information we collect may include identifying information such as your name, address, birth date social security number, E-mail address and other information on how to contact you, your credit worthiness, credit score and credit history; as well transaction information such as account activity and loan terms. We may also collect financial information such as you income, assets and employment status, information about your spouse or dependents; and/or certain demographic information. If you apply for an insurance product, we may collect limited health information on your application.

Our company is committed to the security and confidentiality of your nonpublic personal information. We do not disclose, nor do we reserve the right to disclose, any nonpublic personal information about our customers or former customers to anyone, except authorized by you or as otherwise permitted by law.

In addition to reasonable physical, procedural, and electronic security measures, our security practices include limiting access to this information to those employees and business associates with appropriate authority and for intended business purposes only. We explain the importance of protecting your nonpublic personal information to our employees and take appropriate measures to enforce employee responsibilities regarding out Privacy Policy.

We do not disclose health information for marketing purposes, We disclose health information to affiliates opt nonaffiliated third parties only to underwrite or administer your account or claim, or otherwise permitted or required by law or court order. We require any third party who receives information about you from us to agree to keep that information confidential and to use the information only for the purposes for which it was disclosed.

We may share the information we collect, as listed above, with affiliated entities. You have the right to prevent the sharing of information, except for the sharing of information relating solely to your transactions with us (such as your payment) or our experiences with you. If you do not want us to share this information with our affiliates, please check the appropriate box on the attached form and return to us.

We may share the information we collect, as listed above, to nonaffiliated third parties for the purpose of offering products and services that may be of value to you. Organizations that may receive you information include, but are not limited to: financial institutions such as motor vehicle lenders or lessors, mortgage brokers and insurance agents; non-financial companies, such as retailers, publishers and direct marketers; providers of after market products such as Guaranteed Automobile Protection products, warranties and service contracts; and others such as trade associations and nonprofit organizations. In addition, we may disclose certain information to affiliates and nonaffiliated third parties, as applicable and as permitted or required by law or court order. We will disclose such information only with organizations that agree to treat it confidentially and to use it only for the purposes intended. If you do not want us to disclose information for these purposes, please check the appropriate box on the attached form and return it to us.

We typically retain your personal information for a period of time after the end of a customer relationship. In some cases we may be required, by law or industry standard, to retain certain information for a specified period of time. We maintain the same standards of privacy for all consumers and customers, both current and former.

We are permitted by law to disclose information about you to third parties that perform marketing services on our behalf and/or to other financial institutions with whom we have joint marketing agreements. We are not required to give you the opportunity to opt out of such disclosures.

Because your trust and confidence in our company matters to us, we are committed to keeping you informed about our privacy practices and your rights. By using information, we are able to deliver products and services that meet your needs. Therefore, it may be necessary to periodically review and update our privacy practices in order to provide the best service. If you have any questions regarding your rights or the contents of this notice please call us at 571.591.2952.

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